NB: this article is a few years old, and I haven’t tested any updates since I wrote it. It may still work; who knows?
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This is one that the support desk of my employer really should’ve answered, but they gave their usual, “You mentioned Macintosh in your e-mail, so this conversation stops here” response.
Anyway, they’ve just upgraded their Citrix access, and what used to work now gives the rather cruddy response:
Just what SSL Error 0: You have not chosen to trust “Entrust.net Secure Server Certification Authority”,the issuer of the server’s security certificate. Error number: 183 is supposed to mean to anyone, I don’t know. (Well, actually, I do know, but in rants like this it’s customary to feign ignorance in a huffy manner. Work with me here, people.)
So, to fix this:
There might be some unnecessary steps there, and this might all be fixed by downloading the latest release of the ICA client, but this works for me now.
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