War Theatre: Blood of Winter From the developers of War Theatre comes the next series installment, Blood of Winter. In this free-to-start turn-based strategy RPG, return to Kasalli, where the Endless War continues to rage and powerful new forces converge to determine the fate of the world. Graphically, War Theatre: Blood of Winter is both as impressive as it is extremely bland. The character designs, be it of the heroes or the troops, are amazingly handled. Sadly, these prove to be very static designs, ones that barely move, even during combat. Also the fact there are so few of them doesn’t help for the overall appeal of the game.
Agatha Christie
October 5-7 and 12-14, 2006
Director: Robert L. Clements
Designer: Robert L. Clements
Stage Manager: Victoria E. Duff
Assistant Stage Manager: Phil McLeod
Artistic Director: Donald N.C. Jones
Technical Director: Donald N.C. Jones
Assistant Technical Director: Tim Phipps
Production Manager: Tim Phipps
Agatha Christie's classic story, The Mousetrap, opened in 1952 at the Ambassadors Theatre in London, England and is still playing in theatres around the world nightly. The longest running play or musical in history, it is Agatha Christie at her best.
The setting is the 1940s in post World War II England. A young married couple has inherited a large manor house in the English countryside, which they have decided to open as a guest house. On their first day of business their curious and interesting guests arrive along with a massive winter storm confining everyone to the house. The roads are blocked and the phone does not work. A detective arrives on skis to announce that the address of the house was found on the body of a woman murdered in London. The police are concerned that someone staying in the house might be the next victim. Suspicion grows as the detective attempts to unmask everyone present. When one of the guests is murdered, everyone becomes a suspect. Who will be killed next? The tension and suspicions build to an amazing and surprising climax. The Mousetrap will keep you on the edge of your seat.
Cedarville, OH
Arts and Humanities Theatre and Performance Studies
Agatha Christie, The Mousetrap, Cedarville University, theatre
'The Mousetrap' (2006). Theatre Productions. Book 7.
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