For those of us in SoCal, we have been getting our fair share of rain! I am grateful for every drop because we definitely need it! I think there is a fair share of people who capture rain water to use in rituals and our gardens to water. However, do you truly know the special meaning of rain water?
Did you know that magic energy falls from the sky when it rains? Water is drawn from the earth’s surface where it forms into clouds. When the cloud is full to capacity rain begins to fall. In effect, rain embodies the three elements of earth, air and water. How cool is that?!?!?!
The element of water, has a certain mystical attraction to many of us. Not only does it only covers 70% of the Earth's surface, but over 90 percent of our bodies is composed of water! Pretty powerful, right? We are born from the waters that contain us within our mother’s womb. No wonder why when an expecting woman cries out “My Water broke!!” A new life is on the horizon. Water is extremely valuable because without it, things do not survive.
Collecting rain water for magical use has been practiced as long as rain has fallen upon the earth. All you need is a clean glass or bowl set outside to collect the falling gift from Mother Nature. Rain water can be used to cleanse magical tools, for purification of the magical circle, candles and ritual clothing. You can sprinkle it on yourself or pour it into the ritual bath for personal purification. It is also safe to use in herbal remedies, lotions, teas, and brews. The ways to use rain water are limitless!
Mac Os 10.5.8, oldish 3GB iMac. Water (still or flowing) does not drip through leaf blocks, even though rain does. Water also seems not to penetrate certain other blocks that it should. These are all transparent variants as far as I can tell. Stairs - stop leaks, upside down stairs - leak; upper slabs - leak, lower slabs.
Embrace the rain and be grateful for it! To the earth it cleanses the air, clears the humidity, and helps nature grow. It’s great to go outside and enjoy letting the rain wash over you, as it cleanses and energizes you. I have always loved playing in the rain even as a young child. Still to this day, when it rains, I go outside and let the rain water fall over me. I am sure my neighbors think I am nuts, which does not bother me one bit!
Rain water has many purposes and uses. Using herbs with your rain water, you can sprinkle the water on just about anything that you would like to be cleared of negativity. It can be used like blessing oil. It can be used to enhance your spells and rituals; it can be added to your bath for relaxation, for clarity, to promote love or prepare for lunar rituals, to anoint money to increase wealth, and to anoint yourself to increase psychic awareness, among many other purposes or water your plants with it. It’s only water. Your intention will guide you on how to use the gift from Mother Nature.
I do not personally get SUPER in depth with rain water and the corresponds as it can get overwhelming and the uses and meaning kind of all get mixed together. This is just my personal practice. I don’t pay a whole lot of attention to the days, seasons, astrological ways, etc exactly when the rain is falling. What I DO pay attention to is the element in which it rains, as Elements play an absolute huge and integral part of my practice. Here is a little breakdown on Elemental Rain.
Elemental Rain
Lighting storm rain (FIRE)– This rain willpower all spells and prayers, clearing & re-energizing. Rain collected during a lightning storm has the greatest energy. Collect it directly from the sky and store in a glass bottle. It can be used to empower any spell, used in a bath to re-energize your being, or to aid in a ritual of clearing and cleansing your energies of negativity by soaking in it!
Wind storm rain (AIR) -Rain collected during a wind storm (i.e.: tornado or hurricane), should be stored in a glass bottle. It can be used to empower spells for moving things forward. Such as letting go of the past, moving forward in your life, and getting out of a rut. Or for helping a project move forward and get beyond current blocks.
Tree and Flower Rain (Earth)- Rain collected from a tree, plant, and/or flower is all encompassing of the Earth Element. Rain falls upon all of the earth, so in reality, everything holds the Earth Element when it rains. Many times I will bring in a beautiful leaf, flower, or branch that is drenched from the rain and place it on my altar. It holds that rain earth element for me. When the gift from Mother Nature is all dried up, I take it back outside as my gift to return to Mother Earth. I do so with much gratitude in my heart.
Now for the FUN part! The part everyone wants to know about!
How to use your Rain Water
For a bath add 1 cup of rain water.
For a ritual, use 1 oz (30ml) of rain water, poured into glass. To add to the effects, pour the rain water over a crystal that you have chosen for the ritual and energized with your intent.
Do not keep rain water longer than 60 days. It’s energy is strongest during the first 60 days.
For an intentional ritual, place all your items in your glass (such as herbs, oils or other ingredients) and add 1 tablespoon of rain water.
For a cleansing or anointing ritual, (such as promoting psychic ability, or overcoming a bad habit) pour 1/2 ounces (15ml) of rain water in a small clear glass bowl. As you recite your incantation, dip your fingers or into the water then mark your physical body. A mark can be made in the shape of a clockwise circle with any spiritual symbol that has meaning to you. For instance, to promote visionary talents, draw a mark over your third eye. To develop your 'gut feelings' mark your skin over your solar plexus.
To anoint a magical tool, pour 1 oz (30ml) of rain water onto the tool as you state your incantation to empower the tool for its intended purpose.
Rain water holds so much beautiful energy. I hope that you craft a way to experience the element of water usefulness within your workings. Much love and elemental energy sending you way! ~~Traci