1. The Atom OS is our way of creating a developer platform that makes complex programming simple and accessible to all and to grow a community of shared applications and skills. Atom works with all major operating systems!
  2. There is no official way to run OS X on a virtual machine in Windows. The Apple EULA clearly states under section 2 B that you're allowed to: (iii) to install, use and run up to two (2) additional copies or instances of the Apple Software within virtual operating system environments on each Mac Computer you own or control that is already running the Apple Software, for purposes of: (a.
  3. Download Atom for Mac to edit plain text and code. Atom has had 5 updates within the past 6 months.

Labels -f show currently fixed atomic parameters, labels -f -r show labels for fixed atoms and also the number at which the occupancy of riding atoms is fixed Atom Connectivity Table Manipulation conn n r atoms Sets the maximum number of bonds for the specified atoms to n and changes the default bond radius for the given atom type to r.

Inspired by a Gist from kevinelliott - thanks!

Install from App Store

  • Xcode - for command line tools required by Homebrew

Install from Third-Party Websites


Xcode Command Line Tools

Need to be installed for all the fne stuff in the latest section

Xcode > Preferences > Downloads > Command Line Tools


Run Xcode and accept the license! Homebrew can not install properly until this occurs.

Install Homebrew

If this is not a fresh install of Homebrew, go ahead and purge the complete installation first:

Now install Homebrew

Install common libraries via Homebrew


Install Cask application manager

Install applications via Homebrew Cask

The following software is still in testing and not part of my default setup:

Install Chrome extensions

Some extensions are not pulled from your Google account, so re-install theam manully now:

Atom's Echo Mac Os Catalina

Firefox profiles

TODO make sure the profiles are registered

After setting all the preferences, you need to reboot or at least restart Finder:

If you are curious, check this file for more possible settings.

Setup Github



Ruby & Gems

Prepare a sandboxed ruby environment

within we install some gems

Vagrant and plugins

Install custom .dotfiles at the end, cause we utilize some of the previously installed packages


Atom is a free and open source Text editor which can be used for Linux, Windows and MacOS. It provides support for plugins written in Node.js. It is based upon electron which is a framework which can enable cross platform desktop applications using chromium and Node.js. Its first version was released on 25th January, 2015. It can also be used as an integrated development environment(IDE).

In this tutorial, we will learn the installation process of Atom on MacOS.


  1. MacOS
  2. Login as an administrator on terminal


The following steps are used in installation of Atom on MacOS.

1.Download and extract the file:

Download the zip file by official website of Atom http://www.atom.ioor by simply pasting the linkhttps://atom.io/download/macinto the browser's search bar. The downloaded file will be an archived file (.zip) which needs to be extracted in order to install Atom. Use the following command to extract the archived file.

2. Run Atom:

An executable file located at Atom.app/Contents/MacOS/Atom needs to be executed in order to launch Atom application.

3. Install shell commands

Atom's Echo Mac Os Download

To run the software globally on the system, we need to install the Shell Commands of Atom. For this purpose, go to the atom icon at the top left corner of the computer screen and choose install Shell Commands from the dropdown menu.

This will install all the shell commands related to the software.

4.Test the application

To test, whether atom is successfully installed on the system or not, we can simply type Atom test.html on the terminal. This creates a file named as test.html.

Atom's Echo Mac Os X

Atom's Echo Mac Os Pro

Well, we have successfully installed and tested Atom on our MacOS.