1. Kombo Krusader Mac Os Catalina
  2. Kombo Krusader Mac Os Download
From:Matej Urban <matej.urban-AT-gmail.com>
Subject:Krusader - Press release
Date:Fri, 29 Apr 2005 09:55:44 +0200

Sudo port install krusader - Computing dependencies for krusader - Dependencies to be installed: kde4-runtime kdelibs4 libssh openslp oxygen-icons qimageblitz - Building kdelibs4 Error: org.macports.build for port kdelibs4 returned: command execution failed Error: Failed to install kdelibs4 Please see the log file for port kdelibs4 for. Welcome to this load order thread for ETS2 map combos. After thinking about it, I decided to make a new load order thread for ETS2 map combos. I know there exists a lot of map combos, especially on youTube, but in order to use one of those map combos I have to write down the load order on paper before I can use that load order in the Mod Manager. Or Mac® OS X, which means these platforms are not supported. Installation on Linux® and BSD platforms - Preliminary steps if Krusader was already installed: If Krusader was already installed: it's better to backup its settings before: uninstalling Krusader and installing a new version. Those folders can be: backed up (just in.

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Krusader v1.60.0 - The Twin-Panel File Manager for Linux

Posted Apr 30, 2005 6:13 UTC (Sat) by jwb (guest, #15467) [Link]

The file management zodiac goes 'round and 'round. We alternate between single-pane-window file managers like Finder, Explorer, Konqueror, or Nautillus and split-screen file managers like the subject of this article. What's amazing is that the history of Krusader goes back 20 years to the first version of Norton Commander, 1985. Norton Commander and XTree were the preeminent file managers for DOS, when people still willingly paid $25-$100 for useful software trinkets. Krusader is a direct descendant of Norton Commander.

While trying to find the release date of Norton Commander, I stumbled across this impossibly complete resource containing, apparently, the annotated history of split-screen file managers.

Krusader v1.60.0 - The Twin-Panel File Manager for Linux

Posted Apr 30, 2005 6:23 UTC (Sat) by xorbe (guest, #3165) [Link]

Now with blue crystals! [grin]

Krusader v1.60.0 - The Twin-Panel File Manager for Linux

Posted May 1, 2005 15:53 UTC (Sun) by job (guest, #670) [Link]

Konqueror can use a twin-panel view, just choose Window / Split.

Krusader v1.60.0 - The Twin-Panel File Manager for Linux

Posted May 1, 2005 19:17 UTC (Sun) by khim (subscriber, #9252) [Link]

Does it have third panel with command like ?

That is what defines Twin-Panel filemanager: two panels and command line. Two panels by itself are not a big deal.

Krusader v1.60.0 - The Twin-Panel File Manager for Linux

Posted May 1, 2005 22:30 UTC (Sun) by rmini (subscriber, #4991) [Link]

Actually, yes. You can split the window left/right, and then add a full
Kombo krusader mac os catalinaterminal emulator at the bottom. You can actually split the windows
arbitrarily top/bottom and left/right to have a grid of 4 file manager
windows and a command line at the bottom.

Krusader v1.60.0 - The Twin-Panel File Manager for Linux

Posted May 1, 2005 23:11 UTC (Sun) by khim (subscriber, #9252) [Link]

Four panels are useless. It's Ok to work with two panels: two possibilities (left active/right inactive vs left inactive/right active). With four panels there are 24 possibilities and navigation becomess a mess (mouse is no-go if you want speed).

Hmm... Looks like it's time to install and check Konqueror once more. Terminal emulator is integrated with panels, right ? I.e.: if I change current directory in terminal emulation panels on top will be affected as well and vice versa - this is not just three unrelated windows, right ?

I'm pretty happy with MC, actually - but there are known problems and development is stalled...

Krusader v1.60.0 - The Twin-Panel File Manager for Linux

Posted May 2, 2005 9:42 UTC (Mon) by Codeknight (guest, #29683) [Link]

Yes it's true that Konqueror can use a twin-panel view,
but than it is still not a OFM like Krusader.

Krusader v1.60.0 - The Twin-Panel File Manager for Linux

Posted May 5, 2005 9:44 UTC (Thu) by cloose (guest, #5066) [Link]

Or even better: Settings->Load View Profile->Midnight Commander

Krusader v1.60.0 - The Twin-Panel File Manager for Linux

Posted May 8, 2005 20:30 UTC (Sun) by Codeknight (guest, #29683) [Link]

Konqueror in 'Midnight Commander Profile',
is still not the same like the original Midnight Commander.
It has not the power of an (OFM) Orthodox File Manager
btw. Konqueror and Krusader are using both KDElibs, KIOslaves, ...
but the GUI is different because Krusader is an OFM.

Krusader v1.60.0 - The Twin-Panel File Manager for Linux

Posted May 1, 2005 20:31 UTC (Sun) by Arker (guest, #14205) [Link]

Great resource!

Still can't see to find an OFM for my Mac, unfortunately.

Krusader v1.60.0 - The Twin-Panel File Manager for Linux

Posted May 2, 2005 9:49 UTC (Mon) by Codeknight (guest, #29683) [Link]

There is a Krusader MAC OS X port :)

But so long KDE and KDElibs are not '100% availabele' on MAC you
won't have the same power like on Linux/KDE.

Krusader is looking for a maintainer for this Krusader MAC OS X port btw.

If you want 'full Desktop integreation', you could try maybe:
shareware $22.57

or maybe:
Cross-platform file manager but it needs Java Runtime Environment (JRE).
Freeware, but without source code i think.

Maybe there are some other OFM file managers for MAC OS X?

Frank Schoolmeesters
Krusader Documentation Coordinator

Krusader v1.60.0 - The Twin-Panel File Manager for Linux

Posted May 2, 2005 2:50 UTC (Mon) by johnny (guest, #10110) [Link]

I'm compiling the program right now - hopefully it works like Directory
Opus 4.x on the Amiga, the nicest file manager I've used. (Version 5
became way too complicated).

Krusader v1.60.0 - The Twin-Panel File Manager for Linux

Posted May 2, 2005 4:35 UTC (Mon) by ulajamb (guest, #16976) [Link]

my favorite:

Krusader v1.60.0 - The Twin-Panel File Manager for Linux

Posted May 2, 2005 15:02 UTC (Mon) by cdmiller (guest, #2813) [Link]

Looks nice. I've been using emelfm for a while: http://emelfm.sourceforge.net/ but it looks like I'll have to give gentoo a closer look. Krusaders use of function keys looks pretty nice.
Jun 09, 2005, 04:00 (2 Talkback[s])
(Other stories by Matej Urbančič)

Yes, the stable Krusader 1.60.0 is out! In mid-December 2004,the Krusader Krew surprised everyone with the release of Krusader 1.51 and then fourmonths later, the next major iteration of the innovative filemanager was also released.

An easy calculation shows that the 'Krusader Krew' can produceup to four major upgrades a year, which puts the Krusader packageamong the most updated open source projects available today.

If Total Commander (TC) is the standard for Windows 'orthodoxfile managers' (OFM's), then Krusader has definitely become thestandard on the Linux OS with new features and functionality beingadded and improvements made to existing features each and everyweek! The effect of rapid development shows also on kde-apps web page where users ratedkrusader as second best.

The most prominent thing about the new Krusader release is theway the 'Krew' have been connecting Krusader with the Windowsworld. A lot of enhancements inspired by TC functionality have beenadded to the new Krusader for easier migration to the Linuxenvironment for former Windows users.

Krusader can now import and export color schemes and comes withseveral already pre-configured, among which you can find the TCcolor scheme to provide a familiar 'look and feel'; the better tomake Linux even easier to get used to than it already is now.

Besides the new color schemes, there are additional customkeyboard and mouse selection modes introduced in Version 1.60.0. Atpresent, there are four different selection modes. The default modeis the standard used by most file managers, allowing the use of theShift or Ctrl key to select multiple files as a group orindividually.

Another file selection method, previously used on the NeXT andMacintosh platforms, uses holding the right mouse button pressedwhile dragging the pointer over the files, thus selecting files themouse passes over or unmarking files already selected. All thesemodes can be easily set in Konfigurator. This ability to have apersonalized system makes the transition from Windows to Linux eveneasier and also enables near total customization of all aspects ofthe User Interface. This is a great convenience for 'regular'users, and a real benefit for users with special needs, and usersin industrial and 'non-desktop' environments.

With this release of Krusader, the need for a Linux TC port hasbecome obsolete! The Krusader Krew showed once more that they cansatisfy user requests, feedback, and 'fine tuning'; and makesignificant product innovations simultaneously!

Kombo Krusader Mac OS

Perhaps the most major enhancement of the Krusader is the 'UserActions' system, which was incrementally introduced in the past fewreleases. User Actions are user specified scripts for common tasksor file operations. These scripts are already readily available viathe Right-Click Menu, but with new version can also now be added tothe Special Actions Toolbar that resides below the Menu, or even ascommon User Menu entries.

The Special Actions Toolbar can also utilize Bookmarks! Thiscombination of functionality, easily at hand, makes Krusader 1.6the most User Friendly file manager available for Linux! Thebiggest advantage of the User Action scripts is that they can beeasily added or modified, and you do not have to be a programmer towork with them! But if you happen to be a programmer, the 'UserActions' dialog allows for quick and easy import, export, oradvanced editing of scripts and batch files. In depth informationabout using and writing your own User Actions can be found inKrusaderHandbook.

The main idea behind the 'User Actions' system is to streamlinerecurring tasks that can be very complex, and needing to beexecuted in several steps. Yet these tasks are, by definition,unique to each user and each environment. How does a programmingteam address such a need usefully? The innovative User Actionsscripting system allows users to execute any task, regardless howcomplex, in a single click or keystroke (using the KeyboardShortcut functionality, built into Krusader)!

The next major enhancement is the enhanced and updatedfunctionality of The 'Synchronizer', 'Popular URLs', 'Searcher',and The Bookmark System. These four riders take a similar approachin usage and are functionally connected.

'Popular URLs' is functionally similar to 'Bookmarks', butcontains a weighting system to rank the URLs actually visited,whether you have assigned the URL a Bookmark or not! In 'PopularURLs', the URLs are not stored in a 'bookmark view' but have rankedentries based on visitation frequency drawn from the History file.The 'Popular URLs' feature is particularly helpful for onlineresearch, programming projects, and for those who use the Internetin their daily work. You can 'pick up where you left off' withouthaving to bookmark dozens of pages that you may not visit regularlyafter the current project is completed. The 'Popular URLs' list is,by design, dynamic, and self-updating! This type of listing hasmany advantages over 'regular' bookmarks for speed and reviewing,and enables the overall Bookmark System to manage local and remote,and temporary and permanent, web destinations in a more organized,granular, efficient manner.

This 'Popular URLs' submenu holds only the most popular local orremote links. It displays the ranked URLs, placing the mostfrequently used web locations at the top of the list. This is veryuseful when you need to visit URLs, but don't want to necessarilycreate lasting bookmarks for every visited page. Links arerefreshed automatically, in the background, for remote or localURLs, objects, and archives.

One of the innovative new benefits of the new Bookmark andPopular URLs managers is using KDE's built-in services to storepasswords. The BookmarkSystem uses the well known, and very stable,KeditBookmarks to handle and manage your connections. The BookmarkSystem also supports two panel locations for 'by-hand'synchronization while the synchronizer tries to automaticallyresolve the differences for the user by giving him a series ofsuggested options for updating.

The new Synchronizer can now exclude directories from comparisonand can also pause and resume synchronization with kget.Synchronization also works with the User Actions system, givingadditional power to that already advanced functionality. It ispossible to include more files in the file filter by simplyseparating them with a space, and to exclude files by separatingthem with a pipe character ' ' in the file filter. This feature iscombined with Searcher functionality that can now also take filesto the listbox with virtual folders. In addition, you can assign acollection-name to any group of files for later recall andmanipulation!

Virtual Filesystems are basically a container for URL's fromdifferent file systems used in the 'feed to listbox' feature of thesearch module. Actions that are performed on the 'VirtualFilesystem' files are performed on the real files, wherever theyreside. This means that deleting files from the 'Virtual FS' alsodeletes them from your hard drive, NFS drive, etc.! The 'VirtualFilesystem' is only virtual in that it makes files from differentlocations and media appear to be in one 'virtual' location, withKrusader mediating the details of how to 'get to' each specificfile to carry out the desired file operations ordered by theUser.

On the other hand, Virtual Folders *do not* work with the actualfiles, but rather with virtual files and only the last actionmanipulates the files. Check the Krusader Handbook for more detailson the distinctions between these two 'virtual' file managementfeatures.

The most fascinating implementation, in terms of usage, thatcomes with the new release is 'Disk Usage', based on the Filelight. The DiskUsage feature shows you how your disk space is being used, using agraphical representation of your file system. There are severalviewing options: The 'Overview' is possible in simple line viewwhere occupied space is color-coded and ranked, the 'Detailed View'contains additional information about files and folders, andfinally 'Filelight View', which shows a set of concentricsegmented-rings representing your entire filesystem.

The biggest advantage of 'Disk Usage' is the ability to set thestarting point of the display tree. Any user on the system caneasily check how much space his files occupy while Administrators(root) can easily check how much space individual users are usingon the system. The 'Ringed View' is also useful for a quickoverview of the server directory structure. Disk Usage can beexecuted as a stand-alone function, or from inside the 3rd panel ofKrusader.

Other minor updates were primarily focused on flexibility andcustomization of Krusader in response to user and Krew feedback andobservations, such as, the ability to change the columns by simplyright clicking on the panel's header. This was a long-awaitedfeature in twin panel file managers; and came to life in parallelwith Krusader's Windows rival, Total Commander! Another longawaited feature is a new red desktop icon that starts Krusader asroot. The 'Third Hand' panel, which takes multimedia, disk usageand info, now includes a full viewer! The File deletingfunctionality is more refined, with advanced Shift-Del thatpermanently deletes files without sending them into the trash can.Splitter now has predefined 650MB and 700MB CD-R sizes for fasterdividing, and packing. Archive Unpacking is now possible to andfrom remote URLs.

Additional minor, but significant, new features include the'Konfigurator Tool Tips' that assist beginners and provide easiernavigation. The Tool Tips are now translated into 21 languages!

A reliable, easy to use, 'two-panel file manager' is probablythe most important part of any operating system for non-experts andexperts alike. It's so important that all newer distros include atleast one of them as an option. Market leaders like RedHat, SUSE,Mandrake, and Debian include up to four twin-panel file managers intheir distributions!

Kombo Krusader Mac Os Catalina

With the introduction of Krusader 1.5, and now the even morepowerful Krusader 1.60.0, the 'twin-panel file manager' is becomingso powerful that one could make a rational decision to switchwindowing environments just to obtain the functionality ofKrusader! I have read some forum wars on how the environment itselfis the key for such a successful work. I need to remind thosebattling, that teamwork is the key to Krusader, and not just theoperating system or the window manager that the app is runningon.

The Krusader team is second to none in terms of innovation,testing, responsiveness to our users, tight and logical integrationof features, and overall product quality. Give Krusader 1.60.0 atry and you will see why I believe that Krusader is the very besttwin-panel file manager available for any Operating System and forevery computer user's needs. You can grab the tarballs, rpms anddebs on Krusader's download page.

The krew is still looking for a MAC OS X port maintainer andanyone is welcome to join and take the job. There is still room fornew developers, fresh ideas, solutions, and maintainers, if youwant to join. Please visit the Krusader's helpsection page or Krusader'shandbook for more information.

Related Stories:

  • Community: Spreading the Two-Panel Paradigm(Jan 19, 2005)
  • Community: Krusader: File Manager for Almost-Geeks(Dec 01, 2004)

Kombo Krusader Mac Os Download